- We are featured in White coat tales and Covid Chronicles!
- Boon See is awarded 2nd Place for her e-poster at Primary Care Physician Conference 2021!
- Juanita is awarded Short Communications Merit Award during APMEC 2021!
- Our VIP article is accepted in TAPS! Read here for the article.
- We are featured in NUS Medicine. Read here for the article
- We are funded by YLL SoM by METE to continue developing VIP!
- The Pharmacokinetic simulation models developed by Edmund, Yue Jia and Pabba were awarded First Prize for the 2018 LRFI DATA VISUALIZATION COMPETITION. Their winning entry was entitled 'Dynamic Visualization of Individualized and Population Efficacy-Toxicity Risks with Programmable LED Mannequin and LED Panels'. Read more here!
- We are awarded the MOE-TRF grant to develop an AI-interactive chatbot called Virtual Integrated Patient or VIP!!
- Judy is awarded a TEG grant! for PharmaVideos
- We are awarded two grants!: YLL SoM Budget grant and USPC-NUS!
- Judy is awarded a TEG Grant on PharmaCASES! Great start after joining NUS
- Edmund iss awarded a TEG grant for PK Visualizer!
Grants and Awards
- APMEC 2021 Short Communications Merit Award (Presenter: Juanita Kong)
- Virtual Integrated Patient; METE Innovation Grant YLL SoM 2020-2021 (PI: Judy Sng; $265,000)
- First Prize LRFI Data Visualization Competition
- Virtual Integrated Patient; MOE Tertiary Research Fund 2017-2020 (Lead PI: Edmund Lee & Co-PI; Judy Sng $485,000)
- PharmaVIDEOS; Teaching Enhancement Grant 2016 (PI: Judy Sng $23,500)
- Development of resources for the effective migration of course materials to e-platforms. YLL SoM Strategic Budget Proposal (PI: Edmund Lee & Co-PI: Judy Sng, awarded $100,000)
- Enriching lecture videos and webcast with digital tags on SAM online platform to promote active learning. NUS-USPC Alliance Grant 2015 (PI: Edmund Lee; Co-PI: Judy Sng, awarded €30,000)
- PharmaCASES; Teaching Enhancement Grant 2014 (PI: Judy Sng $8,000)
- PK Visualizer; Teaching Enhancement Grant 2012 (PI: Edmund Lee $8,000)